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Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19




Ever since I was a young boy,  I would have dreams and visions of standing in front of crowds and arenas preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a teenager, I strayed from the upbringing of righteousness my parents raised me in and began to taste what the world had to offer me. While being in nightclubs and parties, I couldn't escape the Holy Spirit consistently reminding me that this was not where I belonged. I made my way back to the Cross and never looked back. In 2010, God encountered me in a powerful way and this is when He gave me a mandate for my life; He told me to believe for one billion souls to be saved.  I began traveling and preaching the Gospel across the United Kingdom, seeing souls saved and miracles take place. In 2018, after 8 years of ministry and serving other ministries, the Lord specifically told me in a dream one night that the ministry He wanted my wife Kelsey and I to steward would be called All For Jesus. We immediately ran with His vision holding our first Gospel Campaign in Kenya in 2019. We will wholeheartedly believe and pursue in this mandate from the Lord for the rest of our lives, that one billion souls shall be saved!

This is all for Him!
- Jordan Morris


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